Sunday, September 5, 2010

Moved in and not quite!!

Well most of the moving is done and we are in our new rented home, well almost.  The craft room is still totally packed, and boy do I mean totally packed.  We can hardly open the doors to the room. It is really that full.  I can hardly believe we own that much craft supplies.  Even being 2 families put into 1, it is still hard to believe how much is in there.
We are almost totally unpacked in the rest of the house except the garage, and it seems to have stretched enough to hold  our stuff. How come we never know how much we have until we have to move it.
On a lighter note,  my tens machine seems to be working very well.  As long as the weather is good and there are no storms in the area, I can keep it at a pretty low setting and still function as a semi happy person.  However if there are any storms around the machine gets turned up and I am still not a happy camper.  I keep praying that it will get better.  I don't go to the Dr.'s until October 1st, so we will find out then how much better I can expect it to get.
Because the craft room and garage are still not unpacked, I have started a new counted cross stitch project.  It enables me to do something and still sit and behave.  

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